Our next Theme Event was suggested by Andrew MacDowell (Thanks, Andrew!). After a bit of searching, Matt and Brett (Thanks, guys!) directed me to page 15 of the new rulebook (not the forums, which I was told to go to before- d’oh!).
Okay, the theme looks pretty solid:
0. This event starts on Sunday, October 28, 2007 at 1 PM– please register between noon and 12:45 of the same day. the logic behind this rule is, the sooner everyone registers, then the sooner we can start playing.
0.1 We will play three rounds of Swiss-style play. Where each round is 50 minutes long. If a game runs out of time, we will award the win to the player who scored more points; you score points by defeating opposing characters. If there is a tie, then the winner is determined by the player who has the character closest to the center of the map. If there is a tie, then the player who has the character closest to the center of the map that costs the most points will win.
0.2 Please keep in mind this is a theme event; it’s meant to make the game environment more fun/casual, rather than competitive. So, if you have a problem with one of the rules, I will make a note of it and the next time we try the same theme, hopefully we can adjust the theme to make it better for everyone. Please be constructive.
1. Players must decide to play either the “Light Side” faction or the “Dark Side” faction.
1.1 If a player decides to play the “Light Side” faction, he/she may use characters from: Old Republic, Republic, Rebel, and/or New Republic. He/she may use/mix any or all “Light Side” factions. For example, a player may use “Luke Skywalker, Hero Of Yavin” who is a Rebel with “Bastila Shan” who is from the Old Republic.
1.2 If a player decides to play the “Dark Side” faction, he/she may use characters from: Sith, Mandalorian, Separatist, or Empire (NOTE: Yuuzhan Vong will not be usable in this format because we’re choosing not to recognize the “New Jedi Order” era). He/she may use/mix any or all “Dark Side” factions. For example, a player may use “Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter” who is an Imperial with “Darth Bane” who is from the Sith faction.
1.3 Fringe characters may be used on either side. Fringe characters may be used in both “Dark Side” and “Light Side“ factions.Â
1.4 Uniqueness rule still applies. A player may not use the same “persona” more than once. For example, a player may not have both “Emperor Palpatine” who is an Imperial and “Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord” who is a Separatist. They are from two different factions (Imperial and Separatist), but they are the same “persona“.
2. Players may use 100 points or less to build their teams. Players may not use more than 100 points (unless they have a special ability that allows them to; for example, Reserves).
3. As mentioned in 1.2, we will not be recognizing the “New Jedi Order” era because is lists the Empire as a “Light Side” faction- having the Imperials on both “Light Side” and “Dark Side” will be problematic. So, for our first attempt at this theme, Yuuzhan Vong will not be playable and the Imperials will only be a “Dark Side” faction.
4. Prizes will be awarded Randomly– they will not be awarded according to placing in the event.