
Magic 2010 League: Meeting 1 Results!

Magic League 

Thanks to everyone that came out and play in our Magic 2010 League! Special thanks to Sam for thinking up this great format- sealed fatpack is amazing!

At our first meeting, we decided on the following prize distribution for our awards:

*Most Game Wins: 15% Of Prize Pool

*Most Games Played (Not Necessarily Wins): 15% Of Prize Pool

*Most Trades Completed: 15% Of Prize Pool

*Most Separate Decks Built: 15% Of Prize Pool

*Best Sportsman: 30% Of Prize Pool

*Random: 10% Of Prize Pool

As you can see, our prize distribution strongly favors “The Best Sportsman” award; which is in my personal opinion, the most important out of all of the above awards. Right from the beginning, Sam said to me he wanted this League to fun and he wanted people to have access to a larger pool of cards without spending too much money on it. And I think we were able to fulfill those to prerequisites byt allowing people to trade with other League players and placing a very high value on sportsmanship. Say if a person decides to cheat and wins all of his games, that person will only win one award out of six. It’ not great, but at the same time not horrible.

At the moment, there are 24 people signed up for the League, so there are 24 packs of Magic 2010 in the Prize Pool!

Okay, for those of you who love stats, here’s a bunch for you to digest:

Meeting 1:

Votes For Best Sportsman:

4  Gary R.

3  Garnett G.

3  Albert J.

2  Ryan A.

2  Mitchell F.

2  Jason M.

1  Zak B.

1  Buddy B.

1  Brett C.

1  Jeff F.

1  Sam H.

1  Pierre L.

1  Richard S.

Number Of Trades:

15  Garnett G.

14  Mike R.

13  Gary R.

8  Albert J.

8  Jon K.

7  Jesse N.

6  James B.

6  Kris D.

6  Jeff F.

6  Bryan F.

6  Sam H.

6  Peter W.

5  Ryan A.

5  Logan B.

5  Buddy B.

5  Richard S.

4  Zak B.

4  Mitchell F. 

4  Pierre L.

4  Jason M.

3  Brett C.

Number Of League Points (Wins=3, Ties=2, Loss=1):

22  Pierre L.

20  Garnett G.

20  Mike R.

16  Gary R.

14  Sam H.

12  Ryan A.

11  Jeff F.

11  Jesse N.

9  Zak B.

9  Albert J.

9  Jason M.

9  Peter W.

8  James B.

8  Brett C.

8  Mitchell F.

5  Jon K.

5  Richard S.

4  Buddy B.

4  Bryan F.

3  Logan B.

3  Kris D.

3  Francis

2  Roy K.

0  Lane B.

Number Of Games Played:

9  Albert J.

8  Garnett G.

8  Pierre L.

8  Mike R.

7  Jeff F.

6  Ryan A

6  Sam H

5  Jesse N.

5  Gary R.

5  Peter W.

4  James B.

4  Brett C.

4  Mitchell F.

3  Logan B.

3  Zak B.

3  Kris D.

3  Jon K.

3  Jason M.

3  Richard S.

3  Francis

2  Buddy B.

2  Bryan F.

2  Roy K.

0  Lane B.

Number Of Separate Decks Built:

1  Ryan A.

1  James B.

1  Logan B.

1  Zak B.

1  Buddy B.

1  Brett C.

1  Kris D.

1  Jeff F.

1  Bryan F.

1  Mitchell F.

1  Garnett G.

1  Sam H.

1  Albert J.

1  Roy K.

1  Jon K.

1  Pierre L.

1  Jason M.

1  Jesse N.

1  Gary R.

1  Richard S.

1  Peter W.

1  Francis

0  Lane B.

So, there you have it! Hope to see you all tomorrow at 1 PM for Meeting 2 of our “Magic 2010” League!

