
“Magic 2010” League: End Of Season Results!

Magic 2010 League 

Wow, what a season!

After five League meetings, we have a winner (in each of five different categories)!

 Drum roll please!

*Most Game Wins: 117 Pts, Mike R. wins 4 M2010 Packs

*Most Games Played: 43 Games, Mike R. wins 4 M2010 Packs

*Most Trades Completed: 36 Trades, Kris D. wins 4 M2010 Packs

*Most Separate Decks Builts: 10 Decks, Brett C. wins 4 M2010 Packs

*Best Sportsman: 12 Votes, Albert J. wins 9 M2010 Packs

*Random: Pierre L., Garnett G., Niels S., and Peter W. will each receive one Pack Of M2010

Okay, gentlemen, your prizes will be waiting for you once our restock arrives which I hope to have this upcoming week. Special thanks to Sam H. who made this event happen! And thanks to everyone who showed up and played! You can be sure we’ll host a “Zendikar“ League once that arrives this Fall! In the meantime, I am looking for feedback; what did you like, what didn’t you like about the League? You e-mail me your thoughts at or just write it on my FaceBook wall.

For a complete break down please refer to the document below (I initially was going to list everyone’s stats, but this browser makes it completely illegible):


