
Upcoming Magic Product!


Product allocations are a pain.

Recently, Wizards Of The Coast (WOTC), the makers of Magic: The Gathering, have had to allocate Magic product due to the incredible demand. With Christmas coming, we have a new schedule to work with:

*Zendikar Boosters (second printing): late November

*Planechase (second printing): early December

*Duel Decks: Lilianna VS Garruk: October 30

*Sliver Deck: November 20

A few things to keep in mind:

*WOTC will allocate our orders- which means we will not be receiving a full order on any of the above products. This is unfortunate but unavoidable- I would love to be able to order as much as I could, but I am only able to get what they allow me to purchase.

*Once we have our stock, we will then in turn distribute it amongst our clientele. We will not sell according to a “First-come, First-serve” basis- that would be a terrible dis-service to those who’ve gone out of their way to buy from me. So, if you’ve made your purchases here and supported me, I will do everything I can to help you. If you haven’t bought your Magic product from me or haven’t played in our booster draft events, then I won’t be able to sell you any of the allocated product.



(wow, updating the website is so much faster without Bryan F. around- this article only took like 5 minutes to write compared to the 45 minutes to write the two previous posts)