
Terrain Building Contest Entries Are Coming In Now!


There’s still lots of time left to enter, if you want to build an entry in our Terrain Building Contest don’t hesitate- phone/e-mail me right away and I’ll reserve a spot for you.

(Saturday, March 27, 2010) Kyle Dugas was just here and you won’t believe how increidble his entry looks! With the help of his dad, Kyle put together a Space Marine Bunker (Karl Peterson also built a bunker pictured above) made from styrofoam and painted to look exactly like concrete! This piece is gorgeous and totally functional- I can see myself using this in a tournament! Nice work, Kyle!

(Tuesday, March 23, 2010) The piece submitted by Tim has got to be the most realistic looking out of all of our entries. Tim made his hill out of plaster (the compound that people use on drywall to smooth out all of the imperfections). Beautiful work, Tim!

(Sunday, March 21, 2010) Wow, Marco submitted an amazing faction specific terrain piece based on a Tyranid birth chamber! This entry makes me think of “Jurassic Park,Aliens and KFC all at the same time.

(Sunday, March 21, 2010) Karl just dropped off his entry and this piece is probably the most functional out of all the entries! Karl made a Bunker. which is a fortified area, troops can enter through the side and then shoot from any side of the bunker! The best part is that there is enough space so that anyone can easily move their models around if they need to. The top or roof of the bunker can also be used as another place to shoot from or a landing pad for your jetbikes or jump pack infantry. Great entry!

(Thursday, March 18, 2010) Pictured above is Adriaan’s entry- it is spectacular! It’s made from a single piece of styrofoam insulation carved carefully with an exactoknife. The brick work or cobble stone pattern was made using a sharp pencil and then further defined with a more blunt pencil. Great work, Adriaan!

(Tuesday, March 16, 2010) Then there’s Bryan’s entry, lots of really nice texture in the blast area and the single black rock totally brings out the molten/charred center of the piece. Beautiful job, Bryan!

Remember: these terrain pieces will be usable in our upcoming events! Feeling creative? Enter now!

