
“Rise Of The Eldrazi” ThunderGround Comics FAQ

Rise Of The Eldrazi

Every Pre-Release it happens: people don’t read the rules and/or don’t listen when we make our openning announcements. So, in an effort to save some time and answer some real basic questions that seem to come up each and every time, here is our ThunderGround Comics Pre-Release FAQ!

1. Is the the Pre-Release a Booster Draft, Sealed Deck or Sealed Booster?

At this time, the good people at Wizards Of The Coast (WOTC) have decided to make the Pre-Release a Sealed Booster event, meaning each player will receive SIX booster packs and then do their best to make a 40 card deck with no 4 card limit. We will host 3 Booster Drafts on each of the Pre-Release days- starting at 4 PM, 6 PM, and 8 PM; each Booster Draft has only room for 8 people so please please please register in those events early AND only if you’ve dropped from the main event.

2. What Place Am I?

Very common question and depending on when it’s asked, almost impoosible to answer. If asked at the end of the event, I will have a print out complete with the Standings of each and every player. If asked during (before the end of a round), this question cannot be answered. Let’s think about this for a second: if you want to know your “place” in the event, then I must have the results for each and every other player before I can calculate where you stand in the tournament. Quite simply, I can only answer this question at the end of each round and at the end of the event.

3. Who Am I Going To Play Next?

Again, a question that may be impossible to answer. This question is directly related to the second question; meaning as an organzier, I must have the standing of each player before I can pair them up with another player. So, I have no way of knowing who you will play until the end of the round. Now, there is an exception: if you and another player are both undefeated and there are no other undefeated players, then I can confidently say that the two of you will be paired up in the next round.

4. Do I Have To Stay For The Entire Event Or Can I Leave At Anytime?

In the DCI rules, any player can “drop” (ie. leave the event) at any time. To do this you must: 1. tell me that you’re dropping and 2. drop before the next round starts. If you drop at the start of a round and after the pairings have been announced then you’ll receive a round loss- so timing is everything.

5. Can I Trade Cards From My Deck With Other People?

Absolutely not. This is a Sealed Booster event- which means you can only use the cards from your card pool (six booster packs) and nothing else. You are more than welcome to trade your cards AFTER the event is over, but not during the event.

6. I’ve Got An Amazing Card And I Want You To See It!

In all seriousness, I would be the first person to wish someone well and I am totally glad that you openned a card that you’re happy with. Unfortunately, I rarely have a moment to myself or even a second to catch my breath. I have the entire event to look after and any other customer that may drop by during our event. Timing is eveything with this question- by all means tell me about it AFTER the event or when I am NOT in the bathroom or when I am NOT on the phone or when I am NOT helping another customer. Being excited about a card is great but please please please use your discretion.

7. I Think My Opponent May Have Done Something Against The Rules Of This Event, What Do I Do?

Tell me about it right away- now I’m going to qualify this by saying if I’m on the phone or in the bathroom or helping another customer, then please wait for me to finish and then I’d be more than willing to resolve your problem. Don’t wait until the end of the event (or even the end of the round) to let me know. And please please please don’t SHOUT- other people are trying to play and the last thing anyone needs is someone yelling “Judge!” right when they’re trying to decide which card to play. As a courtesy, please raise your hand or have one of your friends walk over and get my attention. And again, use your discretion.

8. What Should I Do To Get Ready And What Should I Bring With Me?

The most important thing is to read the rules of the event and show up on time. I hope to start the event at 1 PM or close to, unfortunately that will probably not happen, given the weather, road construction/conditions, alignment of the stars- there will always be “stragglers” (people that a late), so please show up and be ready by at least 12:30. Please bring enough cash for the event plus any side events that you may wish to enter (Booster Drafts or 2HG) and some extra money for a snack and/or a drink. I have paper, pens and tokens/dice for everyone to use.

9. When Does The iPad Come Out In Canada?

On they just announced that the iPad will arrive in “Late May“.

10. When Will Bruce Wayne/Batman Come Back To Comics?

I am so glad you asked me that! DC Comics will start a storyline this May called “The Return Of Bruce Wayne“! Now, I am glad to see that good old Bruce Wayne will be back, but share Mark M.’s concern about what will happen to Dick Grayson (the current Batman). I sure hope they don’t kill him!

11. How Did Bryan F. Win The Terrain Building Contest?

Bryan F did so many things right in order to win: 1. he was the first person have his entry done and entered, 2. he brought his friends and family in to show them the store and explain the game, and 3. he voted for himself each and every day like clockwork. It’s easy to knock him for the look (not going to say quality) of his entry, but I totally commend him on his dedication and effort that he put in. Other people may have had “better” entries, but they didn’t do any of the 3 things Bryan did. So, Bryan: take a bow, you deserve to win the contest. And everyone else, you can learn a lot from Bryan’s example.

12. Who Is The Red Hulk?

Some people here say: The Silver Surfer, General Talbot, or Clay Quartermane (former SHIELD agent). I honestly am not sure even the writers at Marvel know this answer with any degree of certainty. Given that the original writer on the series, Jeph Loeb, wrote a good chunk of the series and then left the title, leads me to believe this may be another “Lost” (TV) -type scenario; meaning that there may not have been a plan or resolution to this mystery at all when they started the series, they may have just wrote stuff because it sounded cool. Who knows, but Marvel promises to reveal who the Red Hulk is this summer (now, this was also promised in Hulk #600 which was released last fall and didn’t actually reveal who the Red Hulk was).