
iPhone Arrives July 11 At Rogers Stores- Monthly Plans Aren’t Going To Be Cheap =(


Rogers has announced their iPhone plans and they’re not going to be cheap =(

iPhone Package

In addition to the relatively high price for their minutes and data plan, Rogers wants an extra $15 per month for Caller ID. Couple that with their System Access Fee of $6.95 CAN (?) and then add GST on top of that and the lowest iPhone plan will approach $90 CAN per month. Ouch!
I’m still not sure if I want an iPhone that badly, but if any of you do, please keep in mind that there are limited quantities at each Rogers location. And that you will have to activate the phone when you purchase it.
I guess my options are either: suck it up and pay the $299 CAN for the 3G iPhone (16 GB) and the $90 CAN monthly fee or purchase a 2G iPhone on eBay or craigslist and go on a pay-as-you-go plan. I’ll have to decide before Friday, July 11. Decisions, decisions…
