
HeroClix: “Farewell, Ben Domingo!” Event, Saturday, Sept 19 at 6 PM


It wasn’t that long ago whe Ben and Heath came by and asked me to setup HeroClix events again.

So much had changed since when we first hosted sanctioned HeroClix events- back then 200 point armies were the standard and “Firelord“-armies  were all the rage (Taxi!)! Now, the point totals had climbed to 300 and 400 point armies, unthinkable in the old days, but because all the newer characters were bigger and “better” the tournament scene had to comply.

Gotta say it’s been a lot of fun having HeroClix being played again- we got to do some amazing WizKids events like “Coming Of Galactus” (which Ben won!) and “Starro Attacks!” (which Shaun won!)! And I can’t wait until the new owners of HeroClix start up their tournament scene this Fall.

So, this is our farewell to Ben- one big HeroClix event using his favourite build: 400 Point Armies! Come one, come all- be here on Saturday, September 19 at 6 PM and say your goodbyes to a great HeroClix player, Ben Domingo!

Good luck in Vancouver, Ben!

