
Saturday, October 31 At 1 PM Is Zendikar Game Day 2009!


Not only is Saturday Halloween as well as Chris R’s, Matt L’s, and Ryan L’s Birthdays, it’s Zendikar Game Day 2009!

That’s right, you can dress up as your favourite ghost or ghoul and play in a sanctioned DCI event with prizes directly from Wizards Of The Coast (WOTC)! Top 8 players and 2 random draws get a DCI foil “Emeria Angel” and the first registered players will receive an extended art “Nissa’s Chosen“! It’s Win-Win!

Keep in mind, Zendikar Game Day 2009 is a Type 2 or Standard event! Which means: only cards from “Shards Of Alara“, “Conflux“, “Alara Reborn“, “Magic 2010“, and “Zendkiar” will be usable. Also, please remember to bring a sideboard of exactly 15 cards and a deck list!

Don’t have plans for Halloween? If we have enough people, we’ll host either a sanctioned: “Kamigawa“-Block, “Onslaught“-Block or “Zendikar” Draft at 6 PM!

