
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (VTES): Storyline Event “Eden’s Legacy”: Saturday, November 28 at Noon!


Although White-Wolf’s vampires don’t sparkle like the ones in “Twilight“, I dare say they’re just as dangerous and compelling!

Enter the “World Of Darkness“, a game setting- this time around in card game format, where players battle each other to gain “Pool” (which equates to power, money, respect, you name it!) and to destroy their opponents in an intricate of political assassinations and outright vicious physical combat!

Easily VTES is the best multiplayer card game on the market- bar none! In fact, the game was designed to be multiplayer by Magic: The Gathering god, Richard Garfield!

Come out and check out the game! If you’re interested, you can meet with Roy at anytime and I can show you how to play the basic game.

