UPDATE 1 (May 25): PP just posted some new errata. Please follow the link and make sure you’re familiar with the changes. Thanks to Adriaan for bringing this to my attention! http://privateerpress.com/warmachine-and-hordes-errata-update
UPDATE 2 (May 25): So far 13 People preregistered and I am holding 5 spots for those who mentioned an interest but have not yet sent me a list (Andrew, Adam, Lanng, Neil, and Mat). If you haven’t sent a list yet and want to play, please send me an e-mail asap that way I can purchase enough food for everyone and have enough game boards ready. Thanks!
Hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend!
Well, we’ve been busy here setting up for Steamroller! This is a turning point for us- we’ve hosted 2 “Shattered Grounds” leagues (Windless Waste and Thundercliff Peak) and we’re working our way towards “Summer Rampage!” If you can’t make it here for Summer Rampage, then I hope to see you at our next league called “Rotterhorn” which starts Saturday, June 25, 2011 at 1 PM and runs for 4 weeks!
Roy Kim
ThunderGround Comics
*Our Steamroller event starts at 1 PM on Saturday, May 28, 2011
*We are located on 31 Fairview BLVD, St. Albert, Alberta (just 5 minutes outside of Edmonton)
*$20 to enter (this includes a hotdog BBQ at 6 PM and 2 cans of pop)
*Please register asap- I know I’m not giving you too much time, but I need to know how many people are going to attend so that I can setup enough tables for everyone
*Register via e-mail (thground@telusplanet.net) or drop off your list at the store (#102, 31 Fairview BLVD, St. Albert)
*Please do not use any attachments in your e-mail, just put your army list in the main body your e-mail (I will not open any e-mails will attachments on them, sorry)
*35 Point Armies (your army cannot fall more than 2 points under 35 points)
*Please bring TWO Lists (the same Warlock and/or Warcaster cannot be used in both lists)
*Please THREE copies of your list: give one to me (the TO), show one to your opponent, and keep one for yourself
*Please make sure your lists are either printed or written legibly AND please put your NAME and CELL PHONE NUMBER on your list
*We will continue to play until we have an undefeated player. For example, if 8 people show up, we will play 3 rounds.
*Each round will have a base time of 80 minutes PLUS a variable amount of time (d6 x2 minutes)
*I cannot announce the variable or reveal the amount of time remaining in the round
*Each player will have a timed turn of 10 minutes, once that elapses the other player ill immediately start his turn
*If a player is in the process of moving a model or making a single attack when his turn time expires, finish that action (and resolve damage if it occurs), then that player’s turn ends
*If a player takes a significant amount of time on their opponent’s turn, the player whose turn it is has the option of stopping the clock while these actions are resolved
*Once per game, a player may extend his turn length with a 5 minute turn extension
*A player can do this by declaring that he is using his turn extension during his turn or within 30 seconds after his current turn has ended
*Please do not yell or scream your results after you’ve finished- there are other people trying to concentrate on their games
*I will come to you and ask for your result once everyone has finished playing- please do not try to report your result while I am helping another customer, in the bathroom or on the phone
*When you report your result please let me know:
A. Who won
B. You and your opponent’s Attrition Scores
C. You and your opponent’s Survival Scores
*Attrition reflects the amount of points of your opponent’s army that you destroyed. Keep in mind:
A. Units below 50% of their starting umber (round up) are worth 50% of their army points (round up) including all attachments
B. Inert warlocks and wild beasts count for full army points
C. Warcasters and warlocks are worth 5 army points
*When calculating the point value of the model use the values printed on the model stat card even if that model was brought in to the army via other meansor if the model received a discount during army-building
*Since this is our first Steamroller, we will be awarding certificates, not trophies this time
*(If 8 or more players) First place receives a $20 ThunderGround Gift Card, Second Place receives a $10 ThunderGround Gift Card
*(If less than 8 players): First place receives a $10 ThunderGround Gift Card
*We will also have two votes: Best Sportsman ($10 ThunderGround Gift Card) and Best Painted Army ($10 ThunderGround Gift Card)
*Best Sportsman: You may only vote for someone yo played
*Best Painted Army: You can vote for any player that you feel has the best painted army
*No Privateer Press models are banned
*Please follow the PP conversion guide
*If you’re unsure, please contact me
*Please remember to bring your models, stats cards, dice, measuring device, tokens, markers, and templates.
*Make sure your read the 2011SR document (found here: http://privateerpress.com/files/Official%20Steamroller%202011%20Rules.pdf)
*Privateer Press Warmachine Hordes (enough keywords?)