Hope everyone had fun at our 40K’ Ard Boyz event that took place yesterday, Sunday, August 14! We had 21 sign up but sadly only 15 showed: my guess is a mix of good weather, wedding(s), summer movies, and summer festivals lured these peeps away.
In any case, here’s our final standings, congrats to the Top 3 who move onto the next round in September:
1. Darrell D: 9 MP, 60 BP, 6972 VP
2. David S: 8 MP, 47 BP, 4767 VP
3. Mat K: Â 7 MP, 56 BP, 3711 VP
4. Paul L*: 8 MP, 48 BP, 5770 VP
5. Matt D: 7 MP, 48 BP, 3998 VP
6. Brian S: 7 MP, 45 BP, 5770 VP
7. Rob T: 7 MP, 18 BP, 1868 VP
8. Ryan C: 6 MP, 27 BP, 2372 VP
9. Ron B: 6 MP, 12 BP, 1707 VP
10. Mike R: 5 MP, 38 BP, 5087 VP
11. Tim F: 5 MP, 20 BP, 2943 VP
12. Lea-Anne W: 5 MP, 13 BP, 2227 VP
13. Nick G: 3 MP, 11 BP, 1858 VP
Drop. Sam H: 4 MP, 14 BP, 2036 VP
Drop. Mitchell F: 2 MP, 9 BP, 3008 VP
*Note: Paul L qualified on Saturday at another venue and very graciously stepped down to 4th place from 2nd place, so that another player could move onto the Semi Finals in September.
I had a blast hosting this event, it was great to meet all of the new/old players! Hopefully, we can meet again in the near future!
Semi-Finals: my GW sales rep called today and I asked once again why we weren’t listed as a  Semi Final location on their website. His response was there isn’t enough demand for them to run a Semi Final in our region. So, Ontario gets 2 (because they have 15 prelim locations) followed by BC and Quebec with 1 a piece. There’s always next year.
Looking for feedback! Send me an e-mail or drop by!
Roy Kim