(First off, apologies for the blurry phone pictures. Got a new camera for Christmas courtesy of the Rudolphs (Thanks, guys!) that I still haven’t setup, but I will get ready for next week!)
150 points of Warmachine is a sight to be seen. We were using a 4 foot by 6 foot game board provided by Kevin G (Thanks, Kevin!) and it was quite literally full! I watched as Mischa and Ivan set up their forces… and then continue to set up their forces. Mischa had gone through six small boxes of Protectorate Of Menoth, while Ivan pulled out tray after tray of Trollblood figures. This battle was incredible- I mean even after a few hours of playing there were still tons of figures on the battlefield! I guess I should expect no less from two seasoned veterans like Ivan and Mischa; these two brothers are just amazing! Their forces are almost all completely painted- and painted quite well I should say! Their gameplay was just outstanding- take a bow you two! Great game to watch!
For those of you like myself who haven’t been initiated into the game/”way of life” that is Warmachine, what I’m going to do is describe this particular game by comparing it to another game called Warhammer 40K and then explain it in terms of “time taken to play“. So,  150 points of Warmachine is pretty close to to an Apocalypse game- well, as close as we’ve had here anyways (that’ll change in March 2011 when we’ll host Apocalypse!). An Apocalypse game is a 40K game using 4000 or more points per side, which is enormous- to give you perspective, a normal 40k tournament army is roughly 1850 or 2000 points worth of figures- so an Apocalypse game can be more than twice the number of figs as a tournament army. Scary!
If you’re wondering how long it took to play out, well since this was a league game for our “Shattered Grounds: Windless Wastes” league it had to end at 6 PM at which there was no victor. This game could’ve gone on for a few more hours in my opinion. At 6 PM there were still lots of figs on the table. In 5 hours of gameplay, neither side was able to vanquish the other. I guess we’ll have to wait until next week, when these two meet again to play in our league!