UPDATE: Fixed the usable sets in Type 2- origianlly I had listed “Alara” block as in Type 2, but they rotated out at the start of the month. My mistake.
I’m sure everyone is eager to play with their new cards! So, here’s the perfect opportunity to build a new Type 2 / Standard deck with a twist! You can choose to play either a Mirran-affiliated deck or a Phyrexia-affiliated deck (rules below!), what better way to get the feel for this new “Mirrodin” set?
This Saturday, October 30, 2010 at 1 PM we are hosting a “Scars Of Mirrodin” Game Day! It will be no charge to play (FREE!) and the good people at Wizards Of The Coast (WOTC) were kind enough to send us some amazing new cards to give away as prizes (including a preview card of the next Magic set called, “Mirrodin Besieged“)! Here’s a great link with tons of information on this great artifact block:
New and experienced people are welcome! Please feel free to test your decks at any of our weekly meetings or during our regular store hours. Don’t forget to register early!
*No Charge To Play! FREE!Â
*3 Rounds Of Swiss Style Play (Not Elimination)
*Each Round Is “Best Two-Out-Of-Three” And 50 Minutes Long
*Minimum Deck Size Is Sixty (60) Cards
*You May Only Use Cards From The Following Sets: Scars Of Mirrodin“, “Rise Of The Eldrazi“, “Worldwake“, “Zendikar“, and “Magic 2011”
*Players Have The Option Of Playing Either A Mirran-Affiliated Or Phyrexia-Affiliated, If They Do, They Must Have At Least Ten (10) Cards With The Appropriate Watermark  And None Of The Opposing Symbol In Their Decks
The Mirran Watermark:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The Phyrexian Watermark:

*Top 8 Players Each Receive One DCI Foil “Tempered Steel”
*First 30 Entrants Receive One DCI Extended Art “Memnite”
*Top 2 Mirran-Affiliated Players Receive One “Peace Strider” “Mirrodin Besieged” Preview Card
*Top 2 Phyrexia-Affiliated Players Receive One “Pierce Strider” “Mirrodin Besieged” Preview Card