Hello and Happy Halloween!
Hope everyone had fun at our third Steamroller event held just this past Saturday, October 29!
We had 20 people show up and chuck dice; up from 16 (Steamroller 2: August 6) and tieing our first Steamroller from May 28! In addition to all of the vets, we had several new people show up and play! If you’re looking for a play group in the Edmonton area, you’re welcome to come by and check us out! Our next event, aptly named “Steamroller 4” is slated for Saturday, November 26 at 12 noon!
Thanks again to everyone that played! And, as promised, here’re the results:
First Place: Gord W (Circle)
Match: 9 UNDEFEATED, Assassin: 3, Control: 0, Attrition: 107, Survival: 136
Second Place: Ryan T (Cryx)
Match: 9 UNDEFEATED, Assassin: 3, Control: 0, Attrition: 107, Survival: 105
Third Place: Mischa R (Retribution)
Match: 7, Assassin: 2, Control: 2, Attrition: 120, Survival: 90
Fourth Place: Jeremy B (Minions)
Match: 7, Assassin: 2, Control: 2, Attrition: 114, Survival: 84
Fifth Place: Tyler W (Khador)
Match: 7, Assassin: 2, Control: 2, Attrition: 76, Survival: 118
Sixth Place: Rob C (Circle)
Match: 7, Assassin: 2, Control: 0, Attrition: 40, Survival: 115
Seventh Place: Adriaan R (Cryx)
Match: 7, Assassin: 1, Control: 2, Attrition: 67, Survival: 93
Eighth Place: Mark E (Cryx)
Match: 7, Assassin: 1, Control: 0, Attrition: 85, Survival: 105
Nineth Place: Kade F (Skorne)
Match: 7, Assassin: 1, Control: 0, Attrition: 71, Survival: 76
Tenth Place: Garnett G (Cryx)
Match: 7, Assassin: 0, Control: 4, Attrition: 107, Survival: 91
Eleventh Place: Mat K (Khador)
Match: 5, Assasin: 1, Control: 0, Attrition: 86, Survial: 86
Twelveth Place: Cory C (Cryx)
Match: 5, Assassin: 1, COntrol: 0, Attrition: 80, Survival: 103
Thirteenth Place: Corey M (Skorne)
Match: 5, Assassin: 1, Control: 0, Attrition: 79, Survival: 43
Forteenth Place: John B (Retribution)
Match: 5, Assassin: 1, Control: 0, Attrition: 35, Survival: 99
Fifteenth Place: Dorian C (Trollblood)
Match: 5, Assassin: 1, Control: 0, Attrition: 24, Survival: 85
Sixteenth Place: Andrew M (Khador)
Match: 3, Assassin: 0, Control: 1, Attrition: 53, Survival: 86
Seventeenth Place: David T (Legion)
Match: 3, Assassin: 0, Control: 0, Attrition: 72, Survival: 42
Eighteenth Place: Ivan R (Circle)
Match: 3, Assassin: 0, Control: 0, Attrition: 61, Survival: 94
Ninteenth Place: Adam S (Trollblood)
Match: 4 DROP, Assassin: 1, COntrol: 0, Attrition: 75, Survival: 32
Twentieth Place: Laingg P (Retribution)
Match: 4 DROP, Assassin: 1, Control: 0, Attrition: 54, Survival: 77
A couple other important parts of this game are: Sportsmanship and the Hobby Side. Sportsmanship speaks for itself! It is something that we place a very high emphasis on here in Steamroller and in all of our events for all games. On the Hobby Side, we have a vote for Best Painted Army. For those who participated, it was very easy to see that there were two players that embodied all 3 areas o this game (Hobby Side, Sportsmanship, and Game Play): please note how many votes and how well Gord W and Tyler W did in this event! Great job, you two!
“Best Painted Army” this time around was a landslide! We set a new record: Tyler W received 11 out of 20 votes (55%)! Here’s the breakdown:
First Place (11 Votes):
*Tyler W
Second Place (7 Votes):
*Gord W
Third Place (1 Vote Each):
*David T
*Ivan R
“Best Sportsman” was also another blow-out! One player amassed 3 votes, meaning that each person he played against that day had voted for him!
First Place (3 Votes):
*Mischa R
Second Place (2 Votes Each):
*Adriaan R
*Gord W
*Rob C
*Tyler W
Third Place (1 Vote Each):
*Andrew M
*Corey M
*Dorian C
*David T
*Garnett G
*Jeremy B
*Kade F
*Mat K
*Ryan T
Thanks again all!
Roy Kim
ThunderGround Comics