It’s THAT time of year again- where the good people at Wizards Of The Coast (WOTC) release the latest From The Vault (FTV) gift set!
You may not know this, but FTV is an extremely LIMITED item; a lot of people have called and asked to preorder it from me, but truth to tell: we have zero control over how many of this item we can get. In all honesty, we are given an allocation (small quantity) based on the number of events we host with no chance of getting more (absolute zero). So, there is no way we can accept preorders if we can’t get the number we need to fill them- does this make sense to you? This is the way FTV has always been distributed- this is nothing new unfortunately =(
So, what’re we going to do with our allocation?
We’re going to sell them for the MSRP to our loyal and supporting customers based on:
1. Magic Prerelease Attendance since the previous FTV came out: this includes Theros, Born Of The Gods, Journey Into Nyx, and Magic 2015 prereleases AND
2. Booster Box Preorders of each set since the previous FTV came out: this includes Theros, Born Of The Gods, Journey Into Nyx, and Magic 2015 AND
3. All Other Purchases Made Here
We’ve used the same criteria for each and every FTV that have come out. And right now, you probably know if I’ll have a FTV for you this year or not just by looking at the above criteria. We want to make our supporters happy- they support us and this is the least we can do for them. If there are any extra gift set(s), I plan on hosting either a booster draft or sealed event in September for it where it will be given away as a RANDOM prize.
If you have any questions, please contact me via email (info@thundergroundcomics.com) or drop by when there isn’t an event going on. Please no phone calls (sorry but anyone that calls will be referred to this message and given my email).
I’ll be contacting everyone that I have a FTV for early next week, and our shipment should be in by Friday, August 22.
Thanks for reading!