The people have spoken and want the following changes:
*Scenarios ftw: we will use 3 scenarios at our events- determined randomly at the start of each round
*Asymmetrical Maps: this was a common complaint; in the past, I had setup all of our maps so that they would have the same basic terrain on both sides- so that there would be no clear advantage playing on either side. However, an advantage is exactly what everyone wants! Choosing which side you play on offers more strategy and also varies gameplay.
*Assigned Seating: this is an issue that I thought would always resolve itself. I assumed that people would be able to play on whichever map that they wanted. I had not anticipated that there would be arguments or people “camping” specific maps that favored their army more than their opponents. So, from hereonin we’ll assign pairings to a specific map.
*Longer Round Time: when only 3 pairings can complete a round in an entire event, then there’s a problem. We’re adding 15 minutes to the clock for 1000 point armies: so, players will have 75 minutes to play a 1000 point game rather than 60 minutes.
Now it’s my turn:
*Be More Careful/Considerate Of Our Terrain: it may not look like much, but it’s all we have to play with so don’t throw, lean on, tap or otherwise try to break our terrain. I know it’s not something that people are doing deliberately, but come on people, do you really have to tap your favourite song on our palm trees/cacti?
*Listen When I Make Announcements: this is a common courtesy- just listen to what I have to say and then you can go and play in our event. And in all fairness, how long do you think my announcements take: 45 seconds? A minute?
Like/dislike this post? I’m interested in your feedback! Message me on FaceBook or send me an e-mail!
Special thanks to Mike, Garnett, Dan and John for offering their input on our previous WarHammer 40K events!