After a stellar Magic 2010 League just this last July/August, we’re back and ready for more with our brand new Zendikar League! For the most part, our Zendikar League will function exactly the same as our Magic 2010 League, but there are a few small differences:
1. More League Days! In addition to our Saturday meetings, there will be 3 meetings that take place on Wednesday nights!
2. More Themes! As well as our “No 4 Card Limit” day, we’ll host a 2HG day and a Multiplayer day!
3. Prizes! New Awards! Check out our “Prizes” section below!
*Each Player Must Purchase One Zendikar Fatpack From Us To Join Our League And May Purchase Up To TWO Zendikar Boosters Each Week.
*Minimum SIXTY Card Decks With 4 Card Limit
*FOUR Meetings On Saturdays: October 3 (Singles), October 10 (2HG), October 17 (Multiplayer) And October 24 (No 4 Card Limit, Singles) From 1 PM To 5 PM.
*THREE Meetings On Wednesdays: October 8, 15 And 22 From 6 PM To 9 PM. Note: All Wednesday Games Are “Singles”!
*League Players May Challenge Any Other League Payer Twice Per Meeting.
*League Games Are “Best 2 Out Of 3” With No Time Limit, (Please Have Your 15 Sideboards Ready!)
*League Players May Trade With Any Other League Player At Any Time, So Long As They Trade ards From Their Pool Of Zendikar League Cards (No Outside Cards!)
We’re going to try something new! Think smaller, more easier to attain goals, and you should like what we have for you! Each week, if you complete one of the new Awards, you can enter your name on a ballot to win the appropriate prize! All prize draws will take place on Saturday, October 24 at 5 PM.
5% *NEW! Most Of A Single Non-Basic Land Card Collected:
5% *NEW! Collect A Playset Of Commons (4 Of Each Common):
10% *NEW! Collect A Playset Of Uncommons (4 Of Each Uncommon):
5% *NEW! Collect All The Rare Lands:
5% *NEW! Collect All The Mythic Rares:
10%*NEW! Collect One Of Each Rare And Mythic Rare Card:
10% *Most League Points (Wins =Â 2 Pts, Losses = 0 Pts, Ties = 1 Pt):
10% *Most Games Played:
30% *Best Sportsman:
10% *Random:
*Honor System: It would be a nightmare to keep track of each and every card openned, so we’re goign to rely on the integrity of our playerbase. For those that get overwhelmed with temptation and cheat, they may just win ONEÂ Award, but there are many other ones to win too!
*Please Keep Things Clean!
*Please Do Not Yell Or Shout At Me!
*As you may or may not already know, there are older cards randomly inserted into the first printing of “Zendikar“. These cards are not reprints, they’re original printings of cards from Alpha, Beta, and onwards, as such they will bear the original set symbols from which they came. That’s what makes them NOT PLAYABLE in our League.
*Product Allocatons: Much like “Magic 2010“, “Zendikar” will be allocated. There will be times when we are out of product, which is unfortunate, but unavoidable. You may think that the solution is to set aside the apropriate number of packs and just sit on them until League players need them. But the reality is: we’re hosting 2 “Zendikar” Drafts each week and have many new players. I not saying that drafts/new players are more important than our League, but rather I’m going to try and balance the three out.
The only workaround I have was suggested by Mike R.: If you guys want, you can purchase your 8 packs early and I will hold onto them for you.
We would not be sitting here getting ready for this League if not for one person: Sam H! Thanks for your kindness, generosity and creativity! You made this League happen, Sam!
Also, thanks to Mike R, Jeff F, Gary H, Garnett G, and Niels S for their valuable feedback.